Dancing with N.E.D.
I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in June, 2009, about the time that I was turning 50. I thought I was going into menopause, but my body said it was something more serious. I was planning to climb Mt. Rainer to celebrate this “big” birthday, my body had other plans. I was optimally debulked by my rock star Gyn-Onc in Seattle, WA., Dr. Barbara Goff. She is the doctor that did the study proving that OVCA is NOT a silent disease…it whispers with many symptoms. Unfortunately many primary doctors don’t know these symptoms. I was treated with chemo, discovered I was BRCA1+, a year later had a double mastectomy/reconstruction and now I am “dancing with N.E.D.” My diagnosis changed my life forever. I am grateful that this movie brings to light that more money needs to be devoted to research on women’s cancers. If men had ovaries, I think we would be further along in terms of finding a cure. I take one day at a time. CARPE DIEM.