Spark Media is committed to storytelling and outreach that catalyzes change and opens dialogue, especially by giving voice to issues and communities not usually heard. But we are not in this alone. We have cultivated partnerships with foundations, filmmakers, educators, policymakers, health advocates, and others – all committed to contributing to a more informed society. We consider you a partner, too. And thanks to the support of people like you, we’re continuing to make a difference. But to keep at it, we need your ongoing support.
There are a number of different ways you can help!
You can support the work we do by making a donation through our 501c3 fiscal sponsor Stone Soup Productions.
When shopping online, please consider buying through Amazon Smile. For every order you make, Amazon will donate .5% to Stone Soup Productions. Just go to and select Stone Soup Productions as your charity of choice.
If you are interesting in ongoing support, please consider listing Stone Soup Productions as a preferred charity in your Paypal account! Whenever you use your Paypal, you will be given the option to support Stone Soup through the Paypal Giving Fund. 100% of all donations through the Paypal Giving Fund go to Stone Soup Productions.
You can set that up by following these simple steps:
Donations of any size are appreciated and welcomed. Every little bit truly counts!
Let’s look at a Case Study for our documentary, No Evidence of Disease (N.E.D), the story of six cancer surgeons on a rock’n’ roll mission to raise awareness of women’s cancers. The film was supported in part by the Inova Health Foundation, GOG Foundation, Marjie’s Fund and others, but we would not have been able to finish it without the contributions of people like you. Here are some highlights of the impact you made:
Together, we are continuing to make a crack in the wall of silence that surrounds below-the-belt cancers.
With your help, we will be able to go even further with No Evidence of Disease, as well as the other important issues that are near and dear to our hearts – whether it is inspiring the next generation of women to become leaders (First Lady of the Revolution) or raising awareness for mental health and suicide prevention (Scattering CJ).
With your help, we know our projects will have an impact and truly ignite social change.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please email us at [email protected]
Thank you for your support!!